• On balance of creativity and passivity with kids and screentime

    This is from a great episode of the ChangeLog podcast that interviews Tim Bell, the founder and creator of CS Unplugged: a collection of free teaching material that teaches computer science through engaging games and puzzles. I struggle with how much screentime our kids have. Perhaps this quote will inspire is to do more creative things […]

  • Typical supper-time learnings: Will It Fly?

    A typical conversation over an evening bowl of porridge in the Wintle household. This is how a) one of our children learns random stuff and b) Bedtime takes FOREVER.

  • Some days of normal

    Hah. Brilliant. So a good friend of mine posts on Facebook that she is partaking in #21daysofnormal: an attempt to open up the reality of daily life and not hide behind the perfect, filtered life that we probably all post to social media most days. “glamorous, Instagrammed photos of the little special bits of our […]